Smoking & Your Oral Health

Smoking & Your Oral Health:

Smoking can impact your overall health in a variety of ways including:

  • Causing oral cancer, the 6th most common form of cancer
  • Decreasing the amount of saliva that flows through your mouth. Silvia assists in cleaning your mouth and preventing tooth decay.
  • Contributing to inflammation of the roof of your mouth.
  • Contributes to bad breath
  • May adversely affect your sense of taste
  • Causes bad breath

If you want to stop smoking there are many ways that have been shown to be successful including

  • nicotine replacement therapies(nasal sprays, inhalers, patches, gum and lozenges)
  • prescription medications
  • smoking-cessation support groups(in person and online)
  • one on one counseling and phone support lines
  • meditation based smoking cessation programs and apps

Research has shown that discontinuing the use of tobacco products at any age will improve your health and increase longevity.  Dr. Andersen or your other health care providers can share more information on how to quit.
